SquidFlip Reopens for the Season
Concord, NH --It started as a summer project for then 10-year old Owen Simoes. Trying to bring fun and the challenge of TV’s Flea Market Flip to life, he borrowed money from his parents, headed to Brimfield’s Antique Fair with his mother, and rented a basement office from his father near downtown Concord. Owen learned to paint and rethink furniture and decorative items. He also learned to market – designing a logo and building a Facebook page.
Intown Concord caught up with Owen and publicized him on Facebook Live. Soon enough the local daily paper, the Concord Monitor, noticed his Facebook page and ran an article. Next, the local ABC affiliate, WMUR TV9, featured him on their nightly lifestyle magazine program, Chronicle. Owen not only saw shop visits jump, but when he appeared at craft shows, he was quickly recognized. The 10-year old had become a celebrity.
Now, in his second season at the helm of SquidFlip, several appearances at fairs are planned.
Owen has come a long way in the last year – he took on some real challenging projects, such as transforming classic suitcases into tables, and even turning an old chicken coop into a coffee table. He sources for raw materials are flea markets, and yard sales –he adds his own style, with special touches in painting, accessories and rethinking.
Many of Owens’s customers are moms, and they often tell him how his business has been an inspiration to them as well as to their kids.
Fame came with Owens’s business last summer, a few TV programs reached out to see if he would be a contestant. But Owen stayed focused on his own business – adding new items such as mugs and an e-shop.
He has big hopes for 2018 – more open hours, more shows, new items – and a hope that he might run into Lara Spencer- the host of Flea Market Flip, who inspired him.
11-Year Old to Reopen Furniture Flipping business in Concord